9. Fleet Procurement Update
Jon Newton joined the board to provide an update on the Suburban Fleet Procurement. It has been developed from a previous briefing provided at the June 2023 SRH board and a subsequent overview of the Suburban Fleet Procurement which was presented as part of the wider fleet strategy at the November 2023 SRH board.
SRH Board are asked to note the content of this paper and are invited to discuss:
- How board wish to be appraised of progress at future board meetings.
- The approach of holding a briefing session with SRH and SRT board members to explain the scope and key content of the procurement.
- Governance of the project (linked to the paper tabled by Carolyn Griffiths) and the responsibilities of SRH and SRT boards.
The Chair thanked Jon for joining and presenting this paper. The Board considered and noted the paper.
10. Chief Executive’s Executive Summary
The Board noted the paper.
11. ScotRail Holdings Limited, ScotRail Trains Limited and Caledonian Sleeper Limited Operational & Performance Update
The Board noted this paper.
12. SRT Monthly Communications Report
The Board noted this paper.
13. Minutes from previous meeting (11th January 2024)
Minutes from previous meetings to be reviewed at next meeting.
14. Actions and matters arising from previous meeting
15. Any other business
Temporary change – CSL requested that a specific part of its Delegated Authority Matrix be changed from referring to Chris Gemmell, the CSL FD who is leaving, to
empower Graham Kelly. Effectively that the [Redacted]
16. Board lookahead
The Chair noted some additional items to be added to the lookahead.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 13th March 2024 at St Vincent Plaza, St Vincent Street, Glasgow.