Website terms and conditions

Content disclaimer

SRH seeks to ensure that the information published on its website is up to date and accurate. However, the information on the website does not constitute legal or professional advice and SRH cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use. SRH cannot be held responsible for the contents of any pages referenced by an external link. The SRH website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to this website and doesn’t cover other websites. We welcome websites to link to the site. You don’t have to ask for permission to do so. However, we don’t give you permission to suggest that your website is associated with, or endorsed by SRH


Any of your personal information, including contact details, gathered while operating our site shall not be sold or passed to third parties or used for the purposes of unsolicited communications unless you have expressly consent to these details being passed. Our privacy policy provides further information how we handle personal data for the purpose of carrying out our public duties.


SRH operates the website (this website). This website uses cookies. You can find a list of the cookies used, and information about how to change your browser’s cookie settings at our Cookie Policy

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