SRH board minutes 11 January 2024

SRH Board Minutes 11 January 2024.pdf

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8. Chief Executive’s Executive Summary

The CEO presented this paper, highlighting the key matters for the SRH group, thanking the board for noting progress.

The board discussed SRH resources and asked that as part of the recruitment process it should be able to demonstrate progress against Audit Scotland’s recommendations – the CEO to ask [Redacted] to produce onboarding guidance for new staff. [Redacted] was currently progressing the audit/finance and safety

The board discussed the issues of the [Redacted] its impact and actions to address this.


  • standing item for every board – Jon Newton to be invited to provide an update on Fleet procurement.
  • CEO to seek confirmation from CSL that appropriate action is being taken regarding [Redacted]
  • Meeting regarding Audit and Safety positions to be organized (ED with BB & CG respectively)

9. Scottish Rail Holdings Limited, ScotRail Trains Limited and Caledonian

Sleeper Limited Operational & Performance Update The Chair noted that he had had a meeting with the Rail Business Director to discuss the structure of this report and noted that changes are being discussed with the Rail Business Director’s team and a new report will be presented at the next meeting.

The board noted this paper.

10. Scottish Rail Holdings Limited, ScotRail Trains Limited and Caledonian Sleeper Limited Finance Update

The Financial Controller presented this paper which summarised the Period 8, Period 9, and YTD group results; together with an update regarding the full year
latest estimate and funding availability for the group; and other governance matters that the Board should be aware of.

SRH group’s consolidated net expenditure from operating activities (before IFRS16 and Annually Managed Expenditure (“AME”) technical adjustments) was [Redacted] for Period 8 and [Redacted] for Period 9, which were [Redacted] respectively to the group’s own approved budgets. P9 YTD net expenditure
[Redacted], which is [Redacted] to budget.

Full year latest estimates indicate a group RDEL [Redacted] (after SRH overlays), and core committed CDEL (excluding FTAC) [Redacted]

The Board noted this paper.

11. SRT Monthly Communications Report

The Board noted this paper.

12. Minutes from previous meeting (16 November 2023 and 14 December 2023

13. Actions and matters arising from previous meeting 16 November 2023 and 14 December 2023

14. Any other business



Board Induction Plan – this will be reissued (ED).

15. Board lookahead

The Chair noted some additional items to be added to the lookahead.

Date of next meeting: Thursday 8th February 2023 at St Vincent Plaza, St Vincent Street, Glasgow.

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