Board Meetings|

11 April 2024

SRH board minutes 11 April 2024

SRH Board Minutes 11 April 2024.pdf

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Richard Cairns (RC) – Chair
Brian Baverstock (BB) – Non-Executive Director
Carolyn Griffiths (CG) – Non-Executive Director
Roz Foyer (RF) – Non-Executive Director
David Lowrie (DL) – Chief Executive
John MacQuarrie (JM) – Rail Business Director
Emma Dixon (ED) – General Counsel and Company Secretary

In attendance:

Campbell Davidson (CD), SRH Financial Controller
[Redacted] (Minute taker)


1. Welcome – Notice, Apologies & Quorum

Noted and quorate.

2. Declarations of interests and conflicts

No new interests or conflicts noted.

3. CSL Grant Agreement – Derogation Letter: for approval

The Board approved the paper.

12. Any other business

Date of next meeting: To be confirmed. Thursday 2nd May 2024 at St Vincent Plaza, St Vincent Street, will now be a Strategic Plan day.

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