SRH appoints Chair of new Carmont Steering Group

Scottish Rail Holdings has announced the appointment of Carolyn Griffiths as Chair of the Carmont Rolling Stock Recommendations Steering Group.

The Carmont Rolling Stock Recommendations Steering Group has been created to inform and review the response in Scotland to the specific, train-based, recommendations identified in the Rail Accident Investigation Branch’s (RAIB) report into the accident at Carmont on 12 August 2020.

The RAIB report found that the derailment was caused by debris washed out from a drain and onto the track, with failures in the specific drainage system installed by Network Rail in 2011/12 being a key factor.

The RAIB made 20 recommendations for the improvement of railway safety in its report, which mainly covered railway infrastructure and operational procedures, however also included the additional risk associated with the operation of older trains.

As Chair of the Carmont Rolling Stock Recommendations Steering Group, Ms Griffiths will oversee the group’s work and report on the progress the group is making with its consideration of the RAIB recommendations.

Ms Griffiths has more than 40 years’ experience in the rail industry, is a fully qualified railway engineer, and is a former President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

In 2005, Ms Griffiths founded and led the UK’s Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB), where she held the position of Chief and was responsible for investigating accidents and near misses on railways in the UK.

More recently, she Chaired the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety Rail Safety Working Party, identifying research-based solutions to transport safety.

Jenny Gilruth, Minister for Transport, said:

“Following a full and open recruitment process, I am pleased to welcome Carolyn Griffiths as Chair of the Carmont Rolling Stock Recommendations Steering Group. This is a group I instigated to ensure we can bring together the right industry stakeholders to address the recommendations made by the RAIB following the tragic events at Carmont.”

“Carolyn has had a successful career in the Rail Industry over a number of years, most recently Chair of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety Rail Safety Working Party and I look forward to the impact her experience will bring to her role and the Steering Group. I look forward to welcoming all the Group members at the inaugural meeting later this month.”

Chris Gibb, Chief Executive Officer of Scottish Rail Holdings, said:

“This is a key appointment as the rail industry continues to do everything possible to reduce the risk of something like the terrible accident at Carmont ever happening again.”

“Carolyn brings a wealth of experience to this role, which will be vital as we continue to implement recommendations and ensure that the safety lessons from this awful event are fully learned.”

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